Monday 2 May 2016

Messing about near the water

Bank holiday's London Street Photography Meetup was actually sunny...well most of the time. We congregated in Little Venice to create a five picture story of the annual Canalway Cavalcade. I hadn't really liked my picture story from Angel when, coincidentally we spent most of our time down by the canal, so here's another chance to redeem myself.


I veered off my usual desire to capture images of the street in dramatic monochrome and embraced a blue sky, fluttering bunting, a plethora of painted enamel plates and jugs, glistening polished brass, canal narrow boats and barges (it's all about the width!) cheek by jowl on their moorings or snaking along the canal to show off their prizes from the day.


The unaccustomed Polly Meetup balmy weather drove most of the smaller spectators to succumb to ice cream or messy candy floss it seemed, and I had my camera primed.


The challenge is to create the story arc: setting the scene, introducing characters, action shots and the details. Ideally I didn't want all my five shots to show children heading for sugar highs, so I needed to pick the five carefully...definitely a challenge!

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